Thursday, April 23, 2009

Straits Times Reflection 10

Question 1. What are some of the problems involved in separating a conjoined twin?

Answer: Problems such as severe chest infection. Also, complications and fatal problems with spinal cord are some problems faced during and after the separation. Separation of a conjoined twin can leave one with serious brain damage or a major problem of excessive blood loss. It can also cause death if too much blood is lost.

Question 2. If you were a part of a conjoined twin, would you rather stay together with your twin for the rest of your life or would you risk both your lives to go for an operation? Why?

Answer: Honestly, if I am old enough to realise I am a conjoined twin, I definitely would go for an operation. Going for an operation dosen't mean sure-death. Sometimes, miracles happen and after the operation, we can be seperated but without fatal injuries or sickness. I believe in the miracles which will happen when you have the will to keep on pushing, never falling back and not regreting the decisions you make in your life. No one can choose your own route except yourself. Only you decide what route you yourself take. And immediately, once you decide, you have got to be willing and risk your life for it. And when that happens, you have absolutely NO fear of death and that's when miracles start to come. If my twin and I were to stick together forever, then wouldn't it be distrubing? I mean, think about it. I'd have to do this that everything together and other normal children might laugh at you. Even worst, students will bully my twin or me for what I am and sometimes, even the teachers might despise you. Everybody might think I'm a strange person and wouldn't want to befriend my twin or me. I mean like, even if the operation fails, is it your wrong? What do you have to be afraid of? Death? No! You did nothing wrong, the operation just failed. I don't think God punishes for that man! Hey! Absolute no fear of death is the courage needed to undergo an operation like seperating conjoined twins. If your disabled due to operation, there is always a possibility that you can heal again. I've heard of dozen of miracles happening before in many places and I believe that those who strive for the best will beat the rest. So, if I am a conjoined twin and am able to think, I would go for the operation-be it LIFE or DEATH or DISABLED.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Straits Times Reflection 9

Question 1
What are big companies doing in order to be more socially responsible?

Answer: SingTel had an energy saving programme to help them reduce business costs and an opportunity to re-invite their customers to join their environmental efforts. McDonalds does not purchase beef or other food originating from rainforest land. DBS focused on helping children reach their full potential in the area of learning and make a difference in their lives. Major companies are commited to help the less privileged by raising funds. For example, last month, ERA helped The Singapore Association for the Deaf organise its first charity walkathon, raising $80,000.

Question 2
How important it is to be socially responsible? And do you think it is still possible to make a social impact during the recession?

Answer: It is exceptionally important to be socially responsible as being responsible is every indivitual's supreme responsiblity beyond all other responsiblity. As, being responsible to be responsible helps cultivate good thoughts and will let foreigners think of Singaporeans in a new light- a light of hope ending from darkness and despair through the Singaporean way of life, we shall forge ahead with dignity and pride. Being responsible also helps us practice independence which is a virtue in life. If we are not responsible for our own actions, who will? I mean, isn't it only fair to pay the price for everything you do? If everyone is not responsible, this world would be in total chaos. Everybody would put the blame on each other and there will not be peace. Isn't it better for us to just take pride in what we do and then face the consequences if any? The world would be in peace and harmony without harm. So, I think it is also a virtue that we should practice-responsibility. It is very possible to make a social impact even without money. Making a social impact is based on respect. When you have influence and respect, even if your dirt broke, you will be able to make a social impact on everybody's life as your the person they look up to. Money is only an object. To be more specific, the most important "object" we need to survive. Object cannot replace what is in people's heart. In fact, nothing can. So, if you people really look up to you, it is not only possible, but very simple to make a social impact even during the recession. For example, the charity walkathon need not spend lots of money to organise and it is able to raise $80000 and having a social impact on the deaf people.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Straits Times Reflection 8

Question 1. What are some of the things that schools in Singapore are doing in order to take care of the enviroment?

Answer: Some of the things are encouraging CIP activities for cleaning the beach by picking up litter and doing some other recreational activities that will improve our interest towards the enviroment or hire courses for attracting our attention towards the enviroment and that's what my school did. Some other stuffs are like making those juvenile offenders contribute to community a few hours a day and stuffs. This can help make the juvenile offenders more attentive to the enviroment and seeing a big change in them can impact their familes that it's good to care for the enviroment. And also, if there's a person who's interested in saving the enviroment, their friends can get impacted by them and try to be like them. This word can spread and then the enviroment would be saved. This are some things that Singapore schools are doing, schools ask their students to bring electricity bills from home to track their month to month energy use and teach them to save energy. Schools also emphasize on issues like energy conservation and climate change. Elias Park Primary contribute fruit peels to the school's 3 compostbins which can convert food waste into fertilizers, and teach students about recyclable materials. Commonwealth Secondary has its own wetland which treats grey water from bathroom sinks and study the wetland's plants and animals. Marsiling Lower Secondary student do experiments like testing air quality in their school and Nanyang Girls' High School decided to ban cardboard takeaway boxes in their canteen and use their own boxes instead.

Question 2. Do you think one person's effort in reducing, reusing and recycling will make a difference in saving the enviroment? What steps have you taken in the effort to save the earth?

Answer: Yes, it does as it can help spread the word of saving the enviroment to their friends. They get impacted of how he/she is so passionate towards the enviroment and gets interested and this step just goes on and on until everybody gets impacted to do their part for the enviroment. When one person's effort is recognised, everybody will start to follow. That's why I think it is always important for us, as indivituals, to do our very best to save the enviroment by doing our very best.
I personally throw my rubbish and stuffs which are useless to me not on the road, but dustbins which I would see along the way. I always feel guilty whenever I anyhow throw rubbish in public places. So, I start to develop a habit of always throwing my rubbish in dustbins and not in any Tom, Dick, Harry places. I think this is my very first step of effort to saving the green earth. I have not taken a second step except if you would consider studying geography as one as geography does teach about the earth and pollutions and stuff. Still, I would think about my second step to saving the earth and not let it die out. We must never let the earth die out or else it's the end. -To live is a greater battle-

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Straits Times Reflection 7

Question 1. How does the treatment programme of the Singapore Prison Service help sex offenders?

Answer: They can become more mature in the way they think and sort things out and teaches them empathy so that they won't probably a mistake in the choices they make and in fact, make correct decisions so that they choose the right thing to do.

Question 2.Question 2. Do you think that sex offenders should be given a second chance in the society? State your reasons.

Answer: Yes. In my opinion, any mistake commited by anyone is worth giving that person a second chance to redeem his/her wrong. In the case of sex offenders, I think the mistakes they make is only because they were not thinking right in that period of time. Not giving them chance is no different from not admitting that you have not commited a mistake before. For example, when we were all young, we were an irritant sometimes to our parents. We make noise, disturb them etc. We were in the wrong. Why? Because we were too young to think back then. So, perhaps is because sex offenders were also young in terms of maturity so they do such things as to enjoy themselves thinking that is fun and nice to do it although fact is, it's disgusting and pervertic. I personally think that we should nuture the sex offenders mind and not just say "that's right, you go to prison" because it would make them feel very depressed and upset terribly. They might have already know their mistakes, yet not given a chance. For the mistake they make because they were not in the right mind, they didn't the know the consequences, they have to face up to such a price? Is this what people call "justice"? I call it, crueltly. To those people who say that sex offenders should not be given a second chance, I tell you people, you deserve no second chance as well when you were a baby and was an irritant to your mother at times for doing noisy stuff etc. Would you like this fact? No! So, it's the same. Sex offenders would feel just like this. If the sex offenders are willing to chance, we should give them a chance. A chance is like hope. Where hope is gone, how will you feel? Hopeless. Isn't it the same as killing the sex offenders for their very one mistake? Making them suffer all the guilt which they don't deserve? Hope is light. Shattered hope is darkness. Humans would rather live in the darkness then light. So, that's my thoughts.