Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Straits Times Reflection 8

Question 1. What are some of the things that schools in Singapore are doing in order to take care of the enviroment?

Answer: Some of the things are encouraging CIP activities for cleaning the beach by picking up litter and doing some other recreational activities that will improve our interest towards the enviroment or hire courses for attracting our attention towards the enviroment and that's what my school did. Some other stuffs are like making those juvenile offenders contribute to community a few hours a day and stuffs. This can help make the juvenile offenders more attentive to the enviroment and seeing a big change in them can impact their familes that it's good to care for the enviroment. And also, if there's a person who's interested in saving the enviroment, their friends can get impacted by them and try to be like them. This word can spread and then the enviroment would be saved. This are some things that Singapore schools are doing, schools ask their students to bring electricity bills from home to track their month to month energy use and teach them to save energy. Schools also emphasize on issues like energy conservation and climate change. Elias Park Primary contribute fruit peels to the school's 3 compostbins which can convert food waste into fertilizers, and teach students about recyclable materials. Commonwealth Secondary has its own wetland which treats grey water from bathroom sinks and study the wetland's plants and animals. Marsiling Lower Secondary student do experiments like testing air quality in their school and Nanyang Girls' High School decided to ban cardboard takeaway boxes in their canteen and use their own boxes instead.

Question 2. Do you think one person's effort in reducing, reusing and recycling will make a difference in saving the enviroment? What steps have you taken in the effort to save the earth?

Answer: Yes, it does as it can help spread the word of saving the enviroment to their friends. They get impacted of how he/she is so passionate towards the enviroment and gets interested and this step just goes on and on until everybody gets impacted to do their part for the enviroment. When one person's effort is recognised, everybody will start to follow. That's why I think it is always important for us, as indivituals, to do our very best to save the enviroment by doing our very best.
I personally throw my rubbish and stuffs which are useless to me not on the road, but dustbins which I would see along the way. I always feel guilty whenever I anyhow throw rubbish in public places. So, I start to develop a habit of always throwing my rubbish in dustbins and not in any Tom, Dick, Harry places. I think this is my very first step of effort to saving the green earth. I have not taken a second step except if you would consider studying geography as one as geography does teach about the earth and pollutions and stuff. Still, I would think about my second step to saving the earth and not let it die out. We must never let the earth die out or else it's the end. -To live is a greater battle-

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