Friday, August 28, 2009

Term 4 Week 10

Question 1(a). List two reasons why teens are reluctant to call helplines despite the promise of anonymity and professional help.

Some teenagers feel that it will be weird to talk to stranger. Some feel that close friends are easier to communicate and talk to. They have more faith and trust in their friends and they think their friends are the people whom they can rely on.

Question 1(b). According to Ms Lily Chu, how does Touch Leadership and Mentoring prefer to help troubled teens?

Touch Leadership and Mentoring can be prefered to help troubled teenagers through more direct and effective means, such as educational workshops organised in schools, one to one counselling and home visits.

Question 2. Have you confided in your friends or family members about the problems you face in school/ life? Why or why not?

Yes. Confiding problems that one face in school lets one be free from un-needed stress that comes into your life when you get paranoid. Being able to tell your problems to your friends or family members lets them know what is happening to you and how to help you. It also proves to be a form of improving your relationship to them as they know more about you and what is happening to you.

Have you been betrayed by your friends before? If yes, how? (You may change the names of the people involved for privacy)


Friday, August 21, 2009

Term 3 Week 9

Question 1(a). What are the 4 rules for religious harmony?

Answer: All groups of religion are to exercise tolerance and restraint, religion should not be related to politics but separated. The government must be secular, meaning that the government must be fair to all groups of religion. Lastly, maintain common space that all Singaporeans share to allow everyone to feel at home in Singapore and at ease.

Question 1(b). In your opinion, how can we maintain a common space in schools?

Catholic or chinese schools should allow students from different religion and races to mix along with the catholics and chinese. Students of different religion and races should do something common amongst themselves.

Question 2. Do you respect other religions? Why or why not? What do you think of children who stay away from their parents' funerals because they believe the traditional rites are against their new religion?

I do respect other religions mainly for as it one of the Singapore's ideal. Prime Minister Lee Sien Long exapnded on the fact that Singapore must maintain as a multi-religious country with everyone respecting each other's reglion. No one should insult each others reglion. I think that those children are being religious and very disrespectful. Parents who brought them up and showered them with concern and care were left unrespected because of their new religion. Although religious issues might not be easily understandable in short periods of time, I personally think that we should live in racial harmony.

Term 3 Week 8

Question 1(a). Why is cheerleading an expensive sport?

Answer: There are quite a number of things cheerleaders will need to buy, such as imported pom-poms from Taiwan which costs $50 - $70. Hair products are also needed and costs approximately $50 per team. There are many more items or products that are needed to buy and they are all very expensive because most of them are imported from other countries. Hence, cheer leading is an expensive sport.

Question 1(b). What makes cheerleading such a tough sport?

Question 2. What is your opinion of cheerleaders? If given a chance, would you join cheerleading? Why/ why not?

Answer: Cheerleaders are energetic and insanely-hyper. They help support the team and give them moral energy. No, I would not join cheerleading. It is too vigrous and too uber in terms of energetic level and physical stamina. Cheerleading is also very expensive. It cost basically over hundreds of dollar per person. The clothes for cheerleaders is also not very ideal for males.

Term 3 Week 7

Question 1(a). What are the 2 worrying trends about drug trafficking mentioned in the article?

Question 1(b). Why are Singaporeans increasingly being used as "drug mules"?

Question 2. What will you do if you find out that one of your friends is selling drugs? How will you react if someone tries to sell you drugs?

Answer: I will definitely warn my friend of the consequences of drug trafficking in Singapore. From a high fine to the death sentence, I will preach about it until I have spoke finish all of it. After that, I will give my friend time to engage in a brainstorm on his/her own. After sometime after that, I would call on him/her again to reaffirm his/her decision. If the decision was for the better, I would definitely persuade him/her to turn in to the officals. I would then find for my friend a decent lawyer to help in the lawcase. I would wait for him/her to serve his/her term as convicted by the Supreme Court's Judge.. If the decision was negative, I would still continue to persuade and persuade until I finally won my friend over. Worst comes to the worst, I would tell his/her parents about what he/she is doing. I would never give up on trying -until the very moment my friend is caught red handed. If someone tried to sell me drugs, I would deny and walk away. If the person still continues to follow me, I would start a conversation in a peaceful manner and tell that person I am allergic to drugs and I do not take drugs. If that person still does not give up, I would resort to one last resort and that is to call the threanten-call the police.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Term 3 Week 6

Question 1. What is the modus operandi (method of operating) of the con artists?

Answer: The con artists' modus operandi is to pose as volunteers from "welfare organisations" to tidy up the homes of senior citizens.

Question 1(b). What are the Lion Befrienders planning to do to ensure the old folks do not get conned again?

Answer: They reminded the old folks to ask for an identification pass bearing the visitor's name and Befrienders' logo. So did they introduce new volunteers to the senior citizens, to ensure that the old folks recognise the people who will visit them subsequently.

Question 2. Do you like doing social work? Why or why not?

Answer: Honestly, I do not. It is boring and unaffirmative. I would rather spend my precious time doing something more meaningful and beneficial. To some people, doing social work might prove to be thrilling. However, I feel that social work is not only boring but depicts how low you have fallen. In other words, doing social work is uneducational and extremely exhausting.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Term 3 Week 4

Question 1 (a). Why is it easy for burglers to break into stalls at the two markets in the Kallang area?

ANS: There were units open on the top which the burglers broke into and as such, the burglars only need to climb the railings.

Question 1(b). What is the Geylang East Central Merchants' Association going to do about the break-ins?

ANS: They would want to improve the security by changing the stalls' layout and design.

Question 2. What do you think should be done to tighten the security of the markets? What do you think of the burglars who brazenly break into the stalls?

ANS: Personally, I feel there we should all do our part by giving more attention to our surroundings. We should always keep our guard up for any suspicious being who seems to scout around every few seconds as they could probably be burglars who are trying to gather information on how is the best way to rob the market. Installing more CCTV cameras can also prove to be an aid as it could capture burglars motive and let the police forces arrest them red-handed. Even if the CCTV camera misses the action the burglar conducted, the tape replay of the happening can also be a clue itself to the police and lead them to the criminal. I personally think that those burglars were smart in a way that they knew how to do all those handy work and rob the stalls. However, it was absolutely foolish of them to even try to rob other people. Even if they are smart when it comes to planning and stuff like that, they weren't absolutely the brightest people when it comes to decision making or they would NEVER had try to break into the stalls.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Straits Times Reflection 10

Question 1. What are some of the problems involved in separating a conjoined twin?

Answer: Problems such as severe chest infection. Also, complications and fatal problems with spinal cord are some problems faced during and after the separation. Separation of a conjoined twin can leave one with serious brain damage or a major problem of excessive blood loss. It can also cause death if too much blood is lost.

Question 2. If you were a part of a conjoined twin, would you rather stay together with your twin for the rest of your life or would you risk both your lives to go for an operation? Why?

Answer: Honestly, if I am old enough to realise I am a conjoined twin, I definitely would go for an operation. Going for an operation dosen't mean sure-death. Sometimes, miracles happen and after the operation, we can be seperated but without fatal injuries or sickness. I believe in the miracles which will happen when you have the will to keep on pushing, never falling back and not regreting the decisions you make in your life. No one can choose your own route except yourself. Only you decide what route you yourself take. And immediately, once you decide, you have got to be willing and risk your life for it. And when that happens, you have absolutely NO fear of death and that's when miracles start to come. If my twin and I were to stick together forever, then wouldn't it be distrubing? I mean, think about it. I'd have to do this that everything together and other normal children might laugh at you. Even worst, students will bully my twin or me for what I am and sometimes, even the teachers might despise you. Everybody might think I'm a strange person and wouldn't want to befriend my twin or me. I mean like, even if the operation fails, is it your wrong? What do you have to be afraid of? Death? No! You did nothing wrong, the operation just failed. I don't think God punishes for that man! Hey! Absolute no fear of death is the courage needed to undergo an operation like seperating conjoined twins. If your disabled due to operation, there is always a possibility that you can heal again. I've heard of dozen of miracles happening before in many places and I believe that those who strive for the best will beat the rest. So, if I am a conjoined twin and am able to think, I would go for the operation-be it LIFE or DEATH or DISABLED.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Straits Times Reflection 9

Question 1
What are big companies doing in order to be more socially responsible?

Answer: SingTel had an energy saving programme to help them reduce business costs and an opportunity to re-invite their customers to join their environmental efforts. McDonalds does not purchase beef or other food originating from rainforest land. DBS focused on helping children reach their full potential in the area of learning and make a difference in their lives. Major companies are commited to help the less privileged by raising funds. For example, last month, ERA helped The Singapore Association for the Deaf organise its first charity walkathon, raising $80,000.

Question 2
How important it is to be socially responsible? And do you think it is still possible to make a social impact during the recession?

Answer: It is exceptionally important to be socially responsible as being responsible is every indivitual's supreme responsiblity beyond all other responsiblity. As, being responsible to be responsible helps cultivate good thoughts and will let foreigners think of Singaporeans in a new light- a light of hope ending from darkness and despair through the Singaporean way of life, we shall forge ahead with dignity and pride. Being responsible also helps us practice independence which is a virtue in life. If we are not responsible for our own actions, who will? I mean, isn't it only fair to pay the price for everything you do? If everyone is not responsible, this world would be in total chaos. Everybody would put the blame on each other and there will not be peace. Isn't it better for us to just take pride in what we do and then face the consequences if any? The world would be in peace and harmony without harm. So, I think it is also a virtue that we should practice-responsibility. It is very possible to make a social impact even without money. Making a social impact is based on respect. When you have influence and respect, even if your dirt broke, you will be able to make a social impact on everybody's life as your the person they look up to. Money is only an object. To be more specific, the most important "object" we need to survive. Object cannot replace what is in people's heart. In fact, nothing can. So, if you people really look up to you, it is not only possible, but very simple to make a social impact even during the recession. For example, the charity walkathon need not spend lots of money to organise and it is able to raise $80000 and having a social impact on the deaf people.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Straits Times Reflection 8

Question 1. What are some of the things that schools in Singapore are doing in order to take care of the enviroment?

Answer: Some of the things are encouraging CIP activities for cleaning the beach by picking up litter and doing some other recreational activities that will improve our interest towards the enviroment or hire courses for attracting our attention towards the enviroment and that's what my school did. Some other stuffs are like making those juvenile offenders contribute to community a few hours a day and stuffs. This can help make the juvenile offenders more attentive to the enviroment and seeing a big change in them can impact their familes that it's good to care for the enviroment. And also, if there's a person who's interested in saving the enviroment, their friends can get impacted by them and try to be like them. This word can spread and then the enviroment would be saved. This are some things that Singapore schools are doing, schools ask their students to bring electricity bills from home to track their month to month energy use and teach them to save energy. Schools also emphasize on issues like energy conservation and climate change. Elias Park Primary contribute fruit peels to the school's 3 compostbins which can convert food waste into fertilizers, and teach students about recyclable materials. Commonwealth Secondary has its own wetland which treats grey water from bathroom sinks and study the wetland's plants and animals. Marsiling Lower Secondary student do experiments like testing air quality in their school and Nanyang Girls' High School decided to ban cardboard takeaway boxes in their canteen and use their own boxes instead.

Question 2. Do you think one person's effort in reducing, reusing and recycling will make a difference in saving the enviroment? What steps have you taken in the effort to save the earth?

Answer: Yes, it does as it can help spread the word of saving the enviroment to their friends. They get impacted of how he/she is so passionate towards the enviroment and gets interested and this step just goes on and on until everybody gets impacted to do their part for the enviroment. When one person's effort is recognised, everybody will start to follow. That's why I think it is always important for us, as indivituals, to do our very best to save the enviroment by doing our very best.
I personally throw my rubbish and stuffs which are useless to me not on the road, but dustbins which I would see along the way. I always feel guilty whenever I anyhow throw rubbish in public places. So, I start to develop a habit of always throwing my rubbish in dustbins and not in any Tom, Dick, Harry places. I think this is my very first step of effort to saving the green earth. I have not taken a second step except if you would consider studying geography as one as geography does teach about the earth and pollutions and stuff. Still, I would think about my second step to saving the earth and not let it die out. We must never let the earth die out or else it's the end. -To live is a greater battle-

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Straits Times Reflection 7

Question 1. How does the treatment programme of the Singapore Prison Service help sex offenders?

Answer: They can become more mature in the way they think and sort things out and teaches them empathy so that they won't probably a mistake in the choices they make and in fact, make correct decisions so that they choose the right thing to do.

Question 2.Question 2. Do you think that sex offenders should be given a second chance in the society? State your reasons.

Answer: Yes. In my opinion, any mistake commited by anyone is worth giving that person a second chance to redeem his/her wrong. In the case of sex offenders, I think the mistakes they make is only because they were not thinking right in that period of time. Not giving them chance is no different from not admitting that you have not commited a mistake before. For example, when we were all young, we were an irritant sometimes to our parents. We make noise, disturb them etc. We were in the wrong. Why? Because we were too young to think back then. So, perhaps is because sex offenders were also young in terms of maturity so they do such things as to enjoy themselves thinking that is fun and nice to do it although fact is, it's disgusting and pervertic. I personally think that we should nuture the sex offenders mind and not just say "that's right, you go to prison" because it would make them feel very depressed and upset terribly. They might have already know their mistakes, yet not given a chance. For the mistake they make because they were not in the right mind, they didn't the know the consequences, they have to face up to such a price? Is this what people call "justice"? I call it, crueltly. To those people who say that sex offenders should not be given a second chance, I tell you people, you deserve no second chance as well when you were a baby and was an irritant to your mother at times for doing noisy stuff etc. Would you like this fact? No! So, it's the same. Sex offenders would feel just like this. If the sex offenders are willing to chance, we should give them a chance. A chance is like hope. Where hope is gone, how will you feel? Hopeless. Isn't it the same as killing the sex offenders for their very one mistake? Making them suffer all the guilt which they don't deserve? Hope is light. Shattered hope is darkness. Humans would rather live in the darkness then light. So, that's my thoughts.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Straits Times Reflection 6

Question 1. What is illegal logging?

Answer: Illegal logging is transportation and purchasing of materials and animal's rare value body part which is against the law. It also means that doing illegal logging harms the animals natural enviroment habitat.

Question 2. What can you do to stop the Sumatran tiger from extinction?

Answer: I could tell my friends about the endagered species of the Sumatran tigers and by doing so, they could tell spread the message around and more or less, would alert the government officials and they would take action in preventing the Sumatran tiger from going into extinction by making poaching of Sumatran tigers illegal. As an indivitual, I personally think that is all I can do.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Straits Times Reflection 5

Q1) What are the different forms of ketamine?

Answer: There are the injectable liquid form, powder form which uses snort up their nostrils or as tablets that are swallowed

Q2)What would you do if you knew your friend took ketamine?

Answer: Obviously, I would try to stop him/her from further taking ketamine. Still, I would never report to the officals and get him/her in trouble. It just dosen't seem right for a friend to do that. And, in a situation in which he/she is too addicted to ketamine, I would definitely try to slowly help him or her to get rid of the habit through patience and understanding of his/her situation and by showering him or her interesting stuff to do so that his or her mind would be more drifted to these certain things and this might just kick of the habit of taking ketamine. It isn't worth destroing your precious life for the sake of just a piece of tablet. I have always believed, where there's a will there is always a way.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Straits Times Reflection 4

Question 1. In the last line, what did the writer mean by suggesting that “he may have found more porcupines than rats?”

Answer: He meant that Lee Kuan Yew found more hard spiked people that are like porcupines with those dazzling spikes on their backs. The people he found are more stronger and have backbone like the porcupines. Though he found people who only come out to fine food like rats and stay at home other times, he found more of those strong willed and hard spiked people like the porcupines.

Question 2. What’s worth giving up your life for?

To know the true meaning of my existence and to fine out what does this "world" I live in means. To me, I don't know the meaning of my existence yet. I seek yet to fine it, yet not I found it. I sincerely wish that day will come, when I learn what I seek even if it means losing my life in the end, I will not have regrets.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Straits Times Reflection 3

Question 1. Why Coral Secondary School forbids students to idle around near their school in their school uniform?

Answer: To help students cultivate good habits for their conservation of time instead of wasting precious time loitering around in places.

Question 2. Do you agree with this rule? Explain your answer.

Answer: No, I seriously do not. This kind of rules is extremely a bad impact towards the students. Sometimes, they only want to get food at their favourite resturants like Mac'donald's or other food stores. Or, sometimes they only want to like stress off after school or just explore places near the school. They mean no harm. If I were to say the part which I should agree on would be there should be a limit to the time they can loiter around. Giving such strict rules gives the student alot of stress when they break this rule and feel very remorse. This sort of feeling affects academy results heavily. Making this sort of rules would rather stress the student instead of helping them.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Straits Time Reflection 2

Question 1. What was Jack Neo’s vocation when he was serving the nation?

Answer: He was some sort of quartermaster.

Question 2. “Hard work leads to success.” To what extend do you agree with this statement?

Answer: I do somewhat agree with "Hard work leads to success". But, what I do believe in is "Be smart, answer smart" this phrase. For example, in studies no matter how hard you try to study, if you do not study the correct topic, you would still fail. Like in maths, your taking algebra test and you go study angle bisector surely fail one. To me, smartness leads to success. But, hardwork+smartness leads to even better success. To this extend I agree with the fact that "Hard work leads to success"

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Straits Times Reflection 1

ST Reflection 2009 – Secondary 2NA / 2ETerm 1, Week 5 (2 Feb 09)Golfers, youths in brawl on green (HOME, pg 1)
Q1) How did the teenagers trespass into Singapore Island Country Club?

Answer: While working in a forest area near MacRitchie Reservoir, they accidentaly lost their way and then wandered of to the Singapore Island Country Club's golf course.

Q2) Is underage drinking correct? Explain your answer.

Answer: Yes. It helps to relieve youths from all their stress or the hurt when their parents or close friends deny to help them with their problems. It also helps to let them forget about those unhappy stuff and be more stress-free for the time being. Although it's against the laws and young people might lose control of their actions, that's what makes drinking a good way to relieve stress. Free of the anger, hatred and agony.